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After-sales Service System of HunanJinlianxing Special Materials Co.,Ltd.


   In order to protect the interests ofcustomers to the maximum extent , to unify the interests of the customersand the interests of the enterprise,  and to givetimely feedback so as to make corresponding improvement measures, this systemis specially formulated.


   Applicable to a series of relatedactivities, such as the adverse situation in the process of product deliveryand use.


   1. The sales department is responsible for the investigationof customer satisfaction and the collection of customer feedback on unqualifiedproducts, complaints and other relevant information, and record, deliver and reply to customers in writing.

   2. The quality control department isresponsible for the cause analysis of customer complaints, provide advice onhow to deal with unqualified products and take corrective and preventivemeasures to relevant departments within the company, and track the effectiveness of themeasures; Responsible for customer safety complaints and proposecorrective action.


  1. In the sales process, the sales departmentshould provide all kinds of convenience in the delivery process in good faith,provide all required documents, contact transporters, and entrust to handle theshipment unit etc..

  2. During the use of the product afterdelivery, the salesman keeps in touch with the customer by telephone returnvisit, email, etc., and collects the feedbacks on the customer's complaints,suggestions or ideas on the products in a timely manner, so as to meet thecustomer and the market demand for the products as much as possible.

  3. All customer feedback information isrecorded in the customer information and complaint handling form, after beingapproved by the sales manager or the deputy general manager of marketing, itshould be submitted to relevant departments for settlement or correctiveaction. After following up the corrective action, the sales department shouldinform the customer of the result.  

4. Effective handling of customer feedback,including complaintsThe sales department should ensure 100%processing of customer feedback and inform the customer of the result.

 5. If the customer's complaint and claim is confirmed to becaused by the company after inspection, the company will assume allresponsibilities and give a satisfactory reply to the customer.

 ()Feedback and processing of information

  1. Collection of complaint information: allrelevant departments shall be obliged to collect oral or written information orcomplaints from customers in time during the contact with customers. The salesdepartment shall keep a written record of the customer's oral complaint.

 2. All complaints collected by eachdepartment must be reported back to vice President of marketing within 24 hoursfor review,  and the corresponding complaintcontent shall be transferred to the quality assurance department, and relevantpersonnel shall be organized for cause analysis. For those involving product safetycomplaints, the quality inspection department shall hold a meeting forevaluation, and the quality inspection department shall re-evaluate the processmanagement procedures of the company.

3. After the quality inspection department organized thecause analysis,identify the responsible department for the complaint,and request the responsible department to take corrective and preventivemeasures immediately according to the result of cause analysis. The quality inspection department shall also feedback theimplementation results of corrective measures to the sales manager and thedeputy general manager of marketing.

4. The quality inspection department shalleffectively follow up the implementation of corrective and preventive measuresby the department responsible for complaint within the prescribed time limit.

5. Customer complaints should normally bedealt with within 3 days and reply customer by the sales department in writtenway.

6. Analysis and improvement of customersatisfaction and customer complaint, after collecting the information ofcustomer satisfaction and customer complaint through the above methods, before the annual management review, the sales departmentshould make summary and analysis to determine the major items of customerdissatisfaction and complaint in writing, so as to determine the direction ofquality management system correction and improvement and take correspondingmeasures.

After-salesservice contact

  • After-sales service department0730-8172554
  • After-sales service managerMr.Ding 13873099614
  • after-sales service personnel
    • Engineer Huang 13786038769
    • Engineer Luo 13975020473

Tell:+86 730-8178953

Fax:+86 730-8178953

Address:No.6888 Junshan Blvd., Yueyang, Hunan 414005, P.R.China

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